Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby Blankets for Henry

Ben and Melanie are re-doing Oliver's room so he can share with the new baby. I made a new bedspread, crib quilt (they are being
machine quilted right now), curtians, and pillow shams, and each of them a bunny to match. It should be a fun room.

Fannnel and Minkee blanket for Henry.
A couple of new flannel receiving blankets. It is always fun to make baby blankets.
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  1. That is so exciting to have your new grandson! I love the stuff you made for Oliver and Henry.

  2. It looks like your keeping busy. I hope the dust clears for you trip. It looks like it has really messed things up over there.

  3. Wonderful! My kids are lucky to have a grandma like you...I always know they'll be warm and the blankets will be cute too. Thanks so much...
