Friday, July 27, 2012

Trip - Day 1- Rexburg to Iowa

 We flew from Rexburg to Denver in a small plane from United. And then boarded another small plane and flew into Des Moines, Iowa
 The lay of the land is flat but I thought the fields were very unique looking out of the plane windows.  Des Moines looks like a fun town but we headed directly to Cedar Falls to see the Hays's.
 Oliver had been taking an art class and we were hoping to make it there in time to see his puppet play. We actually missed the play but were able to see where his class was.
The Hays new house and where Melanie will be teaching school.  We ate dinner at Sakura where they cook in front of you.  That is one of Oliver's favorite places to eat.  It is so good to see them in there new area.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it feels good to see them already getting involved and happy. It will be a great adventure for them even though they are so far away. Just think, "It's only a plane ride away." That's what I keep telling myself.
