Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hawaii Day 4 Sunday Jan 31

We attended church at Lahaina 1st Ward. More than 1/2 of the congregation was tourists. We sat by a lady from Texas that had her non-member friend with her. To bad we were so far back in the gym. She was taking notes and had a lot of questions.
We drove to the southern part of the island to the town of Kihei and ate at Fred's Mexican Grill. It is famous there and very good. Saw lots of people with whole body tatoos. Very interesting how people do things.
We continued our drive further down the island towards Makena. Beautiful resorts and huge golf courses. Further on you get to the lava flow area which they called simulated moon surface. Looked a lot like the Craters of the moon. We also saw a neat church in Keawalal.
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  1. Who would of thought---Mexican food in Hawaii!! I love the nice, green, beautiful pictures.

  2. I think Randy & Susan may be part Mexican. Hawaii is a beautiful place.
