Friday, May 14, 2010

Airports May 13 and 14

Chicago airport. We had a long layover because we missed our flight due to severe weather. Lots of cunfussion because of so many canceled flights. We got on a later flight to Germany.
Victoria and Alex who sat by us on the plane ride to Germany. He was a darling little boy for the long plane ride. Victoria is from Russia and living in the United States now and going there to visit her family. Missed our connection in Germany so we were there for a long time getting arrangements made to change our flight again.
We were rerouted through Vienna to Minsk. A long lay over in Vienna waiting for our flight to Minsk. Should be there tonight at 10:45 if all goes well. What an adventure. Hope to see one more airport in Minsk !!!!!!!
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  1. So you are posting to your blog from the airports. It must be nice to have lots of time to get your blogging done. I'm glad you will make Minsk with out an over night stop.

  2. She made it and we are glad she is here--but not her luggage!!

  3. Can't expected everything! Hope you have a great time!

  4. I'm glad to hear you got there safe. I hope you are wearing clothes that you really like. I hear shopping in Minsk is a little tough.
