Sunday, May 2, 2010

GFWC State Convention 4-29 to 5-1-2010

The Rexburg Civic Club hostessed the Idaho State GFWC Convention this year. We held it at the Best Western Convention Center. Mary Ellen Brock from New Jersey (National Treasurer) was our Keynote speaker. She was a wonderful lady and we all enjoyed her so much. Do you recognize Aunt Vera Mae? They installed new State Officers. I will be serving as the First Vice president. It should be fun working with the different ladies around the State.
We had a great time with everyone that was there. Great entertainment, lots of laughs and fun.
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  1. You are first vice president of the State!!!! Congratulations. You will do a great job. Does that mean you will be president next year. Will you still be the treasurer of the local club? I'm proud of you.

  2. No There is president elect in between. First vice president is way down the line. I will still be treasurer for our local club.

  3. When they made you "first vice president" did they understand that you are never home. You are always traveling all over the world. They must think you can still to the job. Good Luck.
