Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Henry William Hays

Henry William Hays Born 3:54 p.m. July 20, 2010 7 lbs. 9 0z 20 1/2 inches.
Grandma is pretty happy with her new addition.
The new Hays Family.
It is so nice to have Henry here and mom and baby are doing great.
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  1. Congratulations to the Hays! He is a keeper.

  2. I second the motion. That is a pretty proud looking grandma. Congrats to all of you.

  3. Glad he is here and everyone is doing great. Next time in Logan, I'm coming to hold him. I missed that with Abby's baby. He is sure cute. Mandy's commented so made me think of Grandma Ricks!!
