Sunday, June 7, 2009

Law Suit

Saturday morning was unusual. We have had a law suit pending since September. Apparently we auctioned this ladies items 3 days to soon according to Idaho law. She was behind on rent 4 months and we had no current address or phone number to get a hold of her. Oh well apparently that does not matter. We got back a lot of her things but she did not come to get them until Saturday. We had to line up a deputy to be there to see what was going on. Pretty strange. It all went smooth though. She is still suing so we will see what happens next. Life goes on in the rental business. You think I would learn these things sooner.
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  1. Behind four months and you are made to feel like you've done something wrong!!! That just doesn't seem right.

  2. hope you get that taken care of soon so you wont have to worry about it.
