Friday, June 19, 2009

Logan Day 9

We drove to Logan through a terrible rain storm. Hail and everything. I cannot believe all the moisture we are receiving everywhere we have been. We picked Oliver up and took him shopping, ate at the Firehouse Pizza place and then went swimming at the "Show and Tell" as he calls the motel. Then we met up with Melanie at Oliver's Karate class. When class was over we went to dinner at Cafe Sobre.
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  1. What an adventure. Fun to be able to stop and see you kids on the way home! Thanks for coming to New York. It was great having yoy.

  2. Mary Anne said you posted some pictures from your trip to New York and also of the birthday celebration. So I had a peek, hope you don't mind. Wow, all of you blog so well, it is a treat for me to snoop. Thanks, Connie

  3. That Oliver is such a cute kid. Isn't it fun being a grandma!!
