Monday, June 15, 2009

New York Day 5 China Town

We next week to China Town. What an experience. A guy on the street said come a buy a purse. He took us 3 blocks and down 2 sets of stairs and into a small room in the basement to show us his purses. We had fun and bought all you girls a purse, Prada, Gucci, DS, what ever. I know they are fake but look good. Also on the street we got some pirated movies. Who knows what they are like. We also went to Little Italy. Saw a show at the AMC Theater. Six floors and 45 movies theaters. A little different than Rexburg. Walked to Rockefeller Center and then to the hotel. A long day but great.
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  1. Wow you are brave. Max couldn't get out of China Town fast enough. We did enjoy Little Italy though. Ate dinner there at a sidewalk cafe.

  2. Man, you are all over the place. I am glad to see they have shopping in New York. And the best restaurants, McDonalds (3 floors).

  3. I assume Dad didn't let you buy any of those bright colored shoes for me. I do love them. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Can't wait to see you!
